Thursday 26 June 2014

Puttur Bedi : Cracker of a Show

Putturu. When I was a kid, it was always celebration for me to go there. It was the only town nearest to my house where I used to get to do shopping, to eat at hotel. It is the place where I first saw a movie inside a theater. My atte's house is near Puttur called Panjigudde. It has always been a household filled with people. More so, during the summer vacations. So, I never missed staying there for few days during every vacations.

During one such stays, I attended the Putturu Mahalingeshwara Temple fair during the night time. Like every kid, I was truly fascinated by its glitter and size. Sure, I had attended some fares before but not of the same scale and never during night. Also, I was always accompanied with my parents all other times whereas here, it was my cousin Narayana who took me there along with a gang of kids of my age. He has been a witness and teacher for many of the things in my life till I came to Bangalore to pursue Engineering. While we were roaming in fare, he was talking about "Bedi" (Firecracker show) which was going to happen next day. He had got me excited with its description.

Next day, we went to see the Bedi. It happens just before the chariot gets pulled in by the devotees. We stood very near to the place where firecrackers were getting blown. I was completely in awe with the kind of patterns I saw on the sky. As the time progressed, the intensity of sound also started increasing. At one point it felt as if the loud sound of crackers caused earthquake. A mini stampede ensued immediately. A chats gaadi was run over, got destroyed and poor guy's money box also fell down. People stopped to pick the money up, got hold of whatever they could and ran. Because of all these, it remained the most fascinating experience for me.

I have witnessed Bedi many times after that first experience, but it has hardly failed to impress me. Every time during the fair, the amount of money spent on Bedi gets discussed. It has been going up every year. I get call from my cousin every year during the fair. After coming to Bangalore, I had not been able to make it most of the times. But this time fortunately it was held during election time and I was in my native. I decided to catch up with it.

But it felt different this time. While I was still getting amused at the display on sky (despite my resentment towards it for causing all sorts of pollution), I didn't see the excitement in people. Other than the few kids, most of the people looked disinterested. May be it was like that always like that and I am feeling that way only because of the memory of my first experience.

There was a newly installed idol of Shiva. Every person standing around it had their phone out, trying to take pictures. From no land line connection to basic mobile phone to camera phone, the penetration of this handheld device to even small towns has taken no time.

Fairs are never complete without the Giant wheels.  But pray that no one vomits. I have seen it happening! Ok, clear that disgusting image from your head and take a look at the image below. That should make you feel better.

After having to wait for long for the firecracker show to start, it had finally begun. And I immediately got transported to the opening scene of Apocalypse Now, thanks to the amount of smoke it produced.

The popularity of Chota Bheem and Angry Birds on children is phenomenal these days. There doesn't seem to exist any child above the age of 2 or 3 who doesn't know about either of these. And marketers are en-cashing on them completely.

Even though the Bedi didn't really engage a lot of people this time around, it had its moments.

Putturu fair has been renowned for it's Bedi and I think it will remain so for years to come. Hopefully, I will keep revisiting it as it brings back some fine memories of my childhood.

Thursday 5 June 2014

ತಿಂಡಿಯ ತಯಾರಿ

ಅತೀ ಸಾಧಾರಣವಾದ ಹಾಗೂ ಹೆಚ್ಚಾಗಿ ಗೌಣವಾಗಿ ಪರಿಗಣಿಸಲ್ಪಡುವ ವಿಷಯಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಸೌಂದರ್ಯವನ್ನು ಕಾಣುವುದು ಮತ್ತು ಚಿಕ್ಕ ಚಿಕ್ಕ ವಿಷಯಗಳನ್ನು ಉತ್ಕಟವಾಗಿ ಆನಂದಿಸುವ ಅಭ್ಯಾಸ ಫೋಟೋಗ್ರಫಿ ಹುಚ್ಚಿನ ಅತ್ಯಂತ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಲಾಭ. ಈ ವರ್ಷದ ಆಸ್ಕರ್ ಪ್ರಶಸ್ತಿ ಸಮಾರಂಭದಲ್ಲಿ ಅತ್ಯುತ್ತಮ ವಿದೇಶಿ ಚಲನಚಿತ್ರವಾಗಿ ಆಯ್ಕೆಯಾದ "ದಿ ಗ್ರೇಟ್ ಬ್ಯೂಟಿ" ಚಿತ್ರದ ಮೊದಲ ದೃಶ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಜಪಾನಿನ ಪ್ರಯಾಣಿಕನೊಬ್ಬನು ರೋಮಿನ ಸೌಂದರ್ಯವನ್ನು ನೋಡುತ್ತಾ ಇರುವಂತೆಯೇ ಕುಸಿದು ಬಿದ್ದು ಸಾವನ್ನಪ್ಪುತ್ತಾನೆ. ಪ್ರಕೃತಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಅಥವಾ ಕಲೆಯನ್ನು ನೋಡುತ್ತಾ ಅಪರಿಮಿತವಾದ ಭಾವಪರವಶತೆ ಉಂಟಾಗಿ, ಹೃದಯದ ಬಡಿತ ಏರಿ ಸಾವು ಸಂಭವಿಸುವುದನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸುವುದು ಆ ದೃಶ್ಯದ ಉದ್ದೇಶವಾಗಿತ್ತು ಎನ್ನುವುದು ನನಗೆ ಆ ಚಿತ್ರದ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಓದಿದಾಗ ತಿಳಿದ ವಿಷಯ. ಇಂತಹ  ಅನಾರೋಗ್ಯಕ್ಕೆ ಸ್ಟೆನ್ದ್ಹಾಲ್ ಸಿಂಡ್ರೋಮ್ ಎಂಬ ಹೆಸರು. ಇದರ ಪರಿಣಾಮದ ಗಂಭೀರತೆಯನ್ನು ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಪಕ್ಕಕ್ಕಿಟ್ಟು ನೋಡಿದರೆ ಕಲೆಯನ್ನು ಆಸ್ವಾದಿಸುವ ಎಲ್ಲರಿಗೂ ಇದು ಒಂದು ಮಟ್ಟದಲ್ಲಿ ಇರುತ್ತದೆ ಹಾಗೂ ಫೋಟೋಗ್ರಾಫರ್ಸ್ ಗಳಿಗಂತೂ ಇದು ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಮಟ್ಟದಲ್ಲಿಯೇ ಇರಬೇಕೆಂಬುದು ನನ್ನ ನಂಬಿಕೆ.

ಕೆಲ ದಿವಸಗಳ ಹಿಂದೆ ನಾನು ಶಿರಸಿಯಲ್ಲಿರುವ ನನ್ನ ಮಾವನ ಮನೆಗೆ ಹೋಗಿದ್ದಾಗ ಬೆಕ್ಕು ಬಾವಿಗೆ ಬಿದ್ದಿರುವ ಹಿನ್ನಲೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಗೌಜಿ ಗದ್ದಲಗಳ ಮಧ್ಯೆ ಬೆಳಕಾಯಿತು. ಬೆಕ್ಕನ್ನು ಹಾಗೋ  ಹೀಗೋ ಎತ್ತಿ ರಕ್ಷಿಸಿದ ಬಳಿಕ ಅಡುಗೆ ಮನೆ ಬಳಿ ಸುಳಿದಾದುತ್ತಿದ್ದಾಗ ಅಲ್ಲಿಯ ಬೆಳಕು ನನ್ನನ್ನು ಬಹಳವಾಗಿ ಆಕರ್ಷಿಸಿತು. ಅಲ್ಲಿ ರೂಪುಗೊಂಡಿದ್ದ ನೆರಳು ಬೆಳಕು ಪ್ರಖರ ಕಾಂಟ್ರಾಸ್ಟ್ ಮೂಡಿಸಿ ಸರ್ವೇ ಸಾಧಾರಣವಾದ ದಿನವನ್ನು ಸುಂದರವನ್ನಗಿಸಿತ್ತು. ಸೂರ್ಯನ ಕಿರಣಗಳು ಮೈ ಮೇಲೆ ಬರೀ ಔಟ್ ಲೈನ್ ಹಾಕಿರುವ ರೀತಿ ಕಾಣುತ್ತಿರುವುದನ್ನು ನೋಡುವುದೇ ಒಂದು ಮಜ. ಹಳ್ಳಿ ಮನೆಗಳಲ್ಲಷ್ಟೇ ನಾನು ಇಂತಹ ಚಂದವನ್ನು ನೋಡಿದ್ದು . ಕಪ್ಪು ನೆಲವೂ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳ ಅಂದವನ್ನು ಹೆಚ್ಚಿಸುವುದಕ್ಕೆ ಬಹಳ ಸಹಾಯ ಮಾಡುತ್ತದೆ. ಕ್ಯಾಮೆರ ಎತ್ತಿ ಕೂತವನಿಗೆ ಅಲ್ಲಿ ನಡೆಯುತ್ತಿದ್ದ ತಿಂಡಿಯ ತಯಾರಿ ಕಂಡಿದ್ದು ಹೀಗೆ -
[ Watch the photos in full screen in your computer screen for the best results ]

     ಮಾವಿನ ಹಣ್ಣಿನ ಸೀಸನ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ದಿನದ ಆರಂಭ ಮಾವಿನ ಹಣ್ಣಿನಿಂದಾಗದೆ ಬೇರೆ ಯಾವುದರಿಂದಾಗಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯ?

    ಒಲೆಗೆ ಬೆಂಕಿ ಬಿದ್ದೇ ಬಿಡ್ತು!

    "ಬಟಾಟೆ ಸಿಪ್ಪೆ ಸುಲಿದಷ್ಟು ಸುಲಭ" ಅಂತ ಹೇಳಬಹುದಾ ಹೇಗೆ?

          ಕರ್ಣಕಠೋರ ಮಿಕ್ಸಿ!


ಚಪಾತಿ, ಬಾಜಿ ಸವಿಯಲು ಸಿದ್ಧ.

Monday 19 May 2014

Road Trip to Chikkamagaluru-Agumbe-Shringeri : A Photo Blog Part II

(Click here to read Part I)

After peaking the highest point in Karnataka, it was time to refuel our car and our bodies. We went back to Chikkamagaluru, finished lunch and stepped on accelerator to rush towards Agumbe's famous sunset point. We reached there just 5 minutes ahead of sunset. For the kind of expectation we had, what we got to see was rather disappointing. Within a minute clouds swooped in to cover any of the orange shades that were visible. May be it was just out luck, but we couldn't sing Aagumbeya prema sanjeya mareyalaare naanu endigoo..

We spent some time in the lake nearby and started towards Agumbe town trying to find a place to hit the sack. We were told that Dodda Mane will be the best choice. It is a unique homestay where you will be treated as a part of the family and they don't demand any particular amount when you are leaving. You can pay as much as you want and there will be no question asked. Their hospitality and delicious dinner is a wonderful experience. It is a traditional big old Malenadu style home which city dwellers will find unique. Our plan was to catch sunrise in Kundadri hills next morning. We were thoroughly amused when the route was shown to us with the help of i-pad! It had the pictures of the place where we had to take turns. Without the help of those photos showing landmarks precisely, it might have gotten difficult to reach the place as you will not find a soul to ask the route in early morning in that route.

Kundadri was absolutely magical for me. But for my friends who just had witnessed sunrise in  Kodachadri few weeks back, this was not up to the same level of excitement.

 Once up on the hill, Mangata is something we boys can't avoid!

Sirimane Falls was our next destination. It was a scenic stretch.

There is entry fee for Sirimane Falls but as soon as you enter, first thing that will come to your notice is strong stench of excreta. Some of us didn't feel inspired to get in the water. This falls doesn't have anything distinctive about it. It was heavily crowded though.

First photo above is clicked by Rajeev Komar.

Our next stop was Shringeri. On the way we tried a coffee shop which was inside an estate but the coffee there was not as satisfying as filter coffee of darshini's of bangalore!

May be it is because of "Mangalore tiles", the road leading to the temple had this old world charm to it which I found beautiful.

At the entrance of Shringeri temple you will find a big hoarding with a photo of Bharathi Teertha swamiji with a welcome. But with a considerably big space allocation for Indian oil, it seems more like an advertisement hoarding! It felt very out of place to me.

Last time I was here, Sai Prakash's Navashakti Vaibhava was getting shot here. A scene with Ram Kumar and Sudha Rani was getting canned. I waited for that movie but for long long time I didn't see it being released. And when it did, it didn't last long in theaters.

It was afternoon time. So, we caught up with free lunch served in the temple. It is fantastic how they operate the serving of the meals for so many devotees everyday.

My displeasure against boring smoke filled skies of Bangalore manifolds whenever I am travelling on the roads of Hasana/Chikkamagaluru. They always provide enough fodder for my sky fetish

Now that rainy season is here again, hoping for many more wonderful unplanned road trips like this one!

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Capturing The Light Rays

Most of the people who pick up the camera try to find the nearest flower to click. Is it just it's beauty? I don't think so. It is the deep focus/ small depth of field (Blur in the background) that one can obtain using 'macro mode' that attracts the most, if you ask me. It is the same reason that makes photos in DSLR look attractive. They give deep focus making the subject in the front sharp. This is the first obsession that most of  the camera owner will have.

I am obsessed with taking Black and White pictures with high contrast, having large portion of the background in black, taking pictures of cloud formations,grungy looks, backlit etc. But ever since I saw the sun rays captured in Pramod Pailoor's this photo in Facebook, Dinesh Hegde's this photo in NatGeo and Shailesh Makwana's this photo in Flickr in quick succession, I fell in love them all over again.
In my childhood, dose used to be baked using firewood, little far from the kitchen. Every morning, these light beams would sneak in to that room. I used to be fascinated with it. I was playing with it while waiting for the next dose. I had even tried to take pictures of them when I had got my hand on digital camera but I was unsuccessful. These photos I saw, rekindled those memories of my childhood in a way and created strong urge to capture similar kind of photos.

But it's not as if it will be readily available! One has to wake up early in the morning and have to set out in search of it. These rays are very alluding in nature. Besides, Who would want to get up early in the winter of December, huh? But the desire to capture something similar was so strong that I kicked my laziness out and caught hold of few such pictures. It was not as difficult to find them as I thought it would be. First few are taken in Sirsi and rest are in Bangalore. Hope you like them as much as I do! I would advice you to click on the pictures to see them in full screen. Please avoid mobile screens to see the photos.

I would like to deviate a little from the topic here. Just observe how litter has been accumulated inside the park in the above picture. It is this kind of lack of civic sense that makes us Indians ugly. An European man Xaver Xylophon made a short animated video based on the days of riding around in rickshaws in Bangalore. You can see that he has made a point to include litter in so many frames. It is such a shame!

Now, you will let me know which one did you like the most. Wont you? :)